Purim in Woodcliff Lake

Purim in Woodcliff Lake

Purim in Woodcliff Lake

Teens create inspirational mugs at Valley Chabad
Teens create inspirational mugs at Valley Chabad

Valley Chabad Teens gathered for the Purim Fiesta in Chabad’s CTeen Lounge to celebrate Purim with Rabbi Yosef Orenstein. After the Megillah reading, the teens decorated mugs and cards with words of inspiration, hope, and love for cancer patients undergoing treatment at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer outpatient Center in Montvale. Then they performed short presentations about Purim for a fun spirited competition. Teens took home a CTeen smoothie machine as a special Purim gift.

The Valley Chabad Teen Leadership Initiative meets regularly for a variety of social and community service-oriented activities for Jewish teens in the Pascack Valley and Saddle River areas.

The programs are open to all Jewish teens regardless of affiliation. For more information, or to have your teens volunteer, go to Valleychabadteens.com or email Rabbiyosef@valleychabad.org.

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