Purim and Passover for IDF soldiers

Purim and Passover for IDF soldiers

IDF soldiers hold donated matzah. (Photos courtesy FIDF)
IDF soldiers hold donated matzah. (Photos courtesy FIDF)

Donors from New Jersey, other parts of the United States, and Panama were responsible for funding more than 130,000 mishloch manot packages that were delivered by the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces to Israel Defense Forces soldiers in Israel; more than 300,000 shmurah matzahs were delivered for Passover.

Mishloach manot packages received by IDF soldiers.
Mishloach manot packages received by IDF soldiers.

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews and FIDF, in collaboration with Yachad Lema’an Hachayal, provided Fellowship gift cards, ranging from $100 to $130, to more than 12,500 IDF and lone soldiers to help celebrate Passover. Soldiers used the cards to buy food, clothing, shoes, sports, and leisure items.

The Fellowship and FIDF distribute Fellowship gift cards twice a year, during Rosh Hashanah and Passover. The campaign, administered in collaboration with the IDF personnel directorate, reaches every eligible IDF soldier. FIDF and the Fellowship have been teaming up to deliver the holiday gift cards since 2009.
