Ohel meets for legislative breakfast

Ohel meets for legislative breakfast

From left, Ohel co-president Moishe Hellman; Fox News commentator Tamara Holder; Dr. Gary Belkin, executive deputy commissioner of the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and Ohel co-president Mel Zachter. (Courtesy Ohel)
From left, Ohel co-president Moishe Hellman; Fox News commentator Tamara Holder; Dr. Gary Belkin, executive deputy commissioner of the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and Ohel co-president Mel Zachter. (Courtesy Ohel)

Last month’s Ohel annual legislative breakfast drew public and community-wide supporters, as well as policy makers, elected officials, advocates, and community activists. It was an opportunity to acknowledge the many services Ohel offers, and the impact it makes to break down stigmas that often impede the decision to get help, most acutely in the area of mental illness.

Fox News commentator Tamara Holder spoke personally about mental health. She told the stories of family members and friends who are challenged by psychiatric disabilities, including her grandfather, who suffered from mental illness for more than 50 years.

Jeff Wiesenfeld, a Bernstein principal, hosted the breakfast at Bernstein Private Wealth Management in Manhattan. It was coordinated by Ezra Friedlander.
