New cantor at Fair Lawn shul
Andrew Schultz is the new cantor at Temple Beth Sholom in Fair Lawn. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a master’s in public policy and administration, Cantor Schultz received a certificate in nusach tefila from the Belz School at Yeshiva University and also earned certification in nusach and cantorial arts from the Jewish Cantors Ministers Association of America. Over the last 13 years, he has led High Holy Day, festival, and Shabbat services, served as ba’al koreh and Torah reader, and provided pastoral support. For the last 18 years, he has had executive leadership roles in Jewish communal organizations, focused primarily on fundraising. Cantor Schultz lives in Fair Lawn with his wife, Jessica, and their five children. For more information call (201) 797-9321.