NCJW celebrates 101st anniversary as it installs officers

Back row, from left, are incoming co-president Paula Star; vice presidents, Marilynn Friedman, Hilary Eth, Flora Perskie, and Beth Pascarello; recording secretary Norma Goldsmith; vice president Joyce Bivone; outgoing co-president Elizabeth Halverstam; vice presidents Lois Katz Brown and Bernice Schwab; and incoming co-president Elaine K. Meyerson. Treasurer Susan Hagoel and vice presidents Marsha Sobel, Fran Einiger, and Pauline Hecht are in the front row.
National Council of Jewish Women Bergen County Section installed 16 new officers for 2024-2025 at a champagne luncheon at Seasons in Washington Township on June 18 with 117 members and friends. Past President Bari-Lynn Schwartz installed the officers, and live music and dancing were led by Kevin Grace.
Lillian “Lil” Corcoran earned the Hannah G. Solomon award and Norma Goldsmith received the organization’s Woman of the Section award. Officers for 2024-2025 were installed, and Rabbi Rebecca Shinder gave the invocation.
Marcia Levy was installed as honorary president and outgoing co-president Elizabeth Halverstam becomes honorary vice president.
For information on NCJW BCS go to or call (201) 385-4847.
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