Marking Yom Ha’atzmaut with Bar Ilan

Marking Yom Ha’atzmaut with Bar Ilan

American Friends of Bar Ilan University will mark Yom Ha’atzmaut on Thursday, May 4, at 8:30 p.m. Hosts Shelly and Noam Sokolow will sponsor a cocktail and dessert reception at the program, “Israel’s Brain Power: Breaking the Codes of Childhood Diseases,” featuring Dr. Ayal Hendel, principal investigator and a senior lecturer in the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. Dr. Hendel’s research focuses on developing genome editing as a curative therapy for childhood disorders. Genome editing allows scientists to make precise edits to DNA, which could lead to gene correction and treatments for genetic diseases. Dr. Hendel will talk about his lab at Bar-Ilan University, where he works on developing this technology as a therapeutic treatment for children with genetic diseases. For reservations, email

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