Presidents need experience
I wish to commiserate with so many readers, who, like myself, take pride in the achievements of Jewish people.
Commiserate is an odd word. Why on earth do I use it in describing pride in the accomplishments of Jewish Americans?
It is because the Noshes column highlights Howard Schultz and four other megabillionaires (three Jews, along with Jamie Dimon, the Greek goyishe head of JPMorgan Chase, and not Citibank as the column suggests). [Ooops! He’s right. ED] All are said to be considering presidential election runs. Ostensibly all are smarter than the real estate charlatan who currently occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
However, only one on the list has real political experience. And that’s the rub. America is lionizing those with great wealth, fame, and power. That is how Donald Trump ascended to the presidency, devoid of any relevant experience and qualification. So, even though Howard Schultz smells like a rose (or a Starbucks Café Latte), that does not mean he would make a decent president.
America needs to return to its roots. Political experience in the legislative branch was a prerequisite for presidential aspirations. It is no coincidence that the president of the Senate is the vice president of the United States. Unfortunately, our political system has been corrupted by money, so that only the super-rich (or super-successful fund raisers) can afford to run for office. This must change, if America is to survive.
Oh, by the way, who was the one person on the Nosher list with political experience? Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of the Big Apple. Somehow he has managed to be successful and be in politics. A very tough balancing act and, so, a worthy candidate.
Eric Weis
A trip to the mill house
Thank you for your interesting article on Luis Moses Gomez and his Mill House in Marlboro, N.Y. (July 27).
My friends and I, after reading your write-up, decided to visit the museum. The trip takes about an hour and a half from the Fort Lee area. The Gomez Mill House is located a short distance off 9W and near Newburgh, N.Y. The scenery along the way is beautiful.
The people who run the musuem are welcoming and informative. They had many stories to tell about Luis Moses Gomez and his family.
Gomez was a Sephardi Jew, a trader, and a merchant. The Gomez Mill House is over 300 years old and is considered the oldest Jewish residence in North America. The museum contains interesting historical papers and books as well as artifacts.
Upon leaving, we all were given a wonderful video, which we were shown, giving us an introduction to the Gomez Hill House.
Congregation Shearith Israel, built under the direction of Luis Moses Gomez in 1728, often called the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, is the oldest Jewish congregation. It is located at Central Park West and 70th Street in NYC.
Luis Moses Gomz and His Mill House are worth visiting and great for picture-taking.
Grace Jacobs
Cliffside Park