JFCS/Wayne pantries seek emergency food donations
The Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Northern New Jersey’s food pantry needs donations. Items most needed include canned tuna and sardines, peanut butter, canned beans (black and red), canned vegetables, fruit, tomato sauce, and soups, shelf stable milk, dry cereal, oatmeal, and white rice. Make sure all items are unopened, unexpired, and undamaged. Donations can be dropped off at the JFCS offices, 1485 Teaneck Road in Teaneck. For information, call (201) 837-9090 or go to www.jfcsnnj.org.
Donations for the WIN (the Wayne Interfaith Network) food pantry are needed. WIN is a coalition of volunteers from local houses of worship and service organizations in the greater Wayne area that provides non-perishable food and other basic necessities for area residents who are in need. Bags of non-perishable food and other basic necessities (paper goods, toiletry items, and cleaning products) can be brought to one of the drop off areas in town: the Wayne YMCA, 1 Pike Drive; donors can use the Jewish Family Service entrance; the Preakness branch of the Wayne Public Library; or the Wayne Municipal Building at 475 Valley Road.
Anyone in need of food can call (973) 694-1800, ext. 3281. Groups and organizations planning to collect items can call (973) 595-1900 or email info@winfoodpantry.org.