Jewish groups mobilizing response to Japan quake

Jewish groups mobilizing response to Japan quake


Purim is rapidly approaching but news and pictures of the cataclysmic 8.9 magnitude earthquake and ensuing tsunami that hit Japan brings to mind the haunting words of the Unetaneh Tokef far more readily than the lilting melodies of the Megillah or the joyousness associated with the month of Adar.

The Talmud reminds the Jewish people that we are “rachmanim b’nei rachmanim,” a particularly compassionate people who are sensitive to the suffering of all. Surely, we will not sit idly by and ignore the terrible drama that is unfolding before our eyes. Hundreds have been confirmed dead as of Friday morning (3/11), and the entire U.S. West Coast is bracing for the aftershocks of the disaster.

With your help, the Orthodox Union will respond to the need for assistance as the communities impacted by the devastation look to us for critical assistance. Whether in response to the Forest Fires of the Carmel, or the devastation that struck Haiti and Chile last year, the OU has always been able to count on the Jewish community to respond in times of need.

To make an online donation to the OU’s Earthquake Emergency Fund, visit To make a donation by mail, kindly send a check to theOrthodox Union at 11 Broadway, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10004. The check should be made out to the Orthodox Union with “OU Earthquake Emergency Fund” listed on the memo line.

We urge you once again to please be generous.

Dr. Simcha Katz


Rabbi Steven Weil

Executive Vice President

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