Hooray for HIPPY grads and volunteers

Hooray for HIPPY grads and volunteers

National Council of Jewish Women volunteers look on at the new graduates of Bergen Family Center’s HIPPY program. (Courtesy NCJWBCS)
National Council of Jewish Women volunteers look on at the new graduates of Bergen Family Center’s HIPPY program. (Courtesy NCJWBCS)

Children, parents, and volunteers from the Bergen County section of the National Council of Jewish Women celebrated the 23rd annual HIPPY graduation at Bergen Family Center. HIPPY — Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters — is a national program that helps parents become their child’s first teacher.

Dressed in caps and gowns, the children accepted their certificates of accomplishment from Bergen Family Center CEO Mitch Schonfeld and program coordinator Rachel Ventrone.

The Bergen County NCJW section co-founded HIPPY, a three-year pre-kindergarten program, with the Bergen Family Center in 1994. Its volunteers provide assistance during monthly workshops, playing with the children while their parents attend a program. The HIPPY program is one of 16 community services supported by the Bergen County section of the National Council of Jewish Women.

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