Hebrew burial association breakfast

Hebrew burial association breakfast

Bryan Alter, left, Rabbi Paysach Krohn
Bryan Alter, left, Rabbi Paysach Krohn

The inaugural Hebrew Free Burial Association’s Bergen County community breakfast is set for Sunday, May 22, at 10:30 a.m. The breakfast, to be held at Congregation Rinat Yisrael in Teaneck, will honor Bryan Alter and feature Rabbi Paysach Krohn as guest speaker. HFBA board member Robert Mendeles is the event chair.

Founded in 1888 on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, the Hebrew Free Burial Association is the only organization in the New York metropolitan area dedicated to assuring that every Jew, regardless of financial means or religious affiliation, receives a dignified, traditional Jewish funeral and burial. It is the largest free burial society outside Israel, providing burials for more than 350 indigent Jews each year and critical assistance and spiritual support to surviving family members and friends with nowhere else to turn. For breakfast reservations, call (212) 239-1662 or go to www.hebrewfreeburial.org/bergen. Donations will be accepted at the event.

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