Hannah Cowan named director of Sinai’s Shalem school at Heichal
Hannah Cowan has become the new director of Sinai’s Rabbi Mark and Linda Karasick Shalem High School at Heichal HaTorah in Teaneck. Ms. Cowan, who comes from England, earned a master’s degree and certification in special education in the United States, and has participated in professional development in educational technology relating to special education. She has more than a decade of experience working in special education, particularly with students who have intellectual or developmental disabilities, and comes to Sinai from Kulanu Academy in Cedarhurst, N.Y.
Ms. Cowan has been a mentor to other teachers through the Jewish New Teacher Project and has a history of collaboration and partnership with many professionals.
Sinai Shalem at Heichal is for 18- to 21-year-olds who are classified with developmental or profound learning disabilities, including autism, social/emotional challenges, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and neurological disabilities. Shalem at Heichal provides a second stage of high school for older boys who are ready to focus intensely on life skills and vocational training in preparation for their transition to adulthood.
Ms. Cowan, her husband, Yosef, and their infant daughter will move to New Jersey this summer.