

  • Rabbis Mendel Wilansky of Bris Avrohom in Hillside; Mordechai Kanelsky, the director of Bris Avrohom; and Levi Mondshine, front center, celebrated Lag B’Omer. Rabbi Mondshine brought a group of young men from Moscow to celebrate. Stops included the Lubavitcher rebbe’s grave, Lubavitch headquarters, and a celebration at Bris Avrohom. (Courtesy Bris Avrohom)
    Rabbis Mendel Wilansky of Bris Avrohom in Hillside; Mordechai Kanelsky, the director of Bris Avrohom; and Levi Mondshine, front center, celebrated Lag B’Omer. Rabbi Mondshine brought a group of young men from Moscow to celebrate. Stops included the Lubavitcher rebbe’s grave, Lubavitch headquarters, and a celebration at Bris Avrohom. (Courtesy Bris Avrohom)
  • Nancy Halpert, a resident at the Jewish Home at Rockleigh, has voted in every election, both primary and general, since Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president. Here, a few weeks ago, she fills out her Democratic primary ballot. (Courtesy JHR)
    Nancy Halpert, a resident at the Jewish Home at Rockleigh, has voted in every election, both primary and general, since Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president. Here, a few weeks ago, she fills out her Democratic primary ballot. (Courtesy JHR)
  • The graduating class of the Howard and Joshua Herman Education Center at the Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Congregation Bnai Israel is shown with Rabbi Ronald Roth and teacher Deb Lesnoy. (Courtesy FLJC)
    The graduating class of the Howard and Joshua Herman Education Center at the Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Congregation Bnai Israel is shown with Rabbi Ronald Roth and teacher Deb Lesnoy. (Courtesy FLJC)
  • Newark held its 29th annual Holocaust Remembrance observance on May 27 at the Newark Museum. Among the participants were Rev. Dr. Perry Simmons of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Newark, top left; Miles Berger, chair and CEO of the Berger Organization; Newark Mayor Ras Baraka; David Sugarman, president of the Manischewitz Company, and David Most, Manischewitz vice president. Robert Max, last year’s speaker, front row left, is with Ruth Ravina, this year’s Holocaust remembrance speaker, and Barbara Wind, director of the Holocaust Council of Greater MetroWest. Rabbi Levi Block, director of Chabad of Newark, was among the speakers. The Manischewitz Company was among the sponsors. (Photo provided)
    Newark held its 29th annual Holocaust Remembrance observance on May 27 at the Newark Museum. Among the participants were Rev. Dr. Perry Simmons of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Newark, top left; Miles Berger, chair and CEO of the Berger Organization; Newark Mayor Ras Baraka; David Sugarman, president of the Manischewitz Company, and David Most, Manischewitz vice president. Robert Max, last year’s speaker, front row left, is with Ruth Ravina, this year’s Holocaust remembrance speaker, and Barbara Wind, director of the Holocaust Council of Greater MetroWest. Rabbi Levi Block, director of Chabad of Newark, was among the speakers. The Manischewitz Company was among the sponsors. (Photo provided)
  • Congregation Darchei Noam, under the leadership of Rabbi Jeremy Donath, left, and its president Mark Moerdler, right, held a groundbreaking ceremony for its building expansion. Fair Lawn Mayor John Cosgrove stands between them at the June 5 ceremony. The project will double the size of the shul’s sanctuary to 220 seats and add new youth rooms, offices, and an enlarged social hall. (Courtesy Darchei Noam)
    Congregation Darchei Noam, under the leadership of Rabbi Jeremy Donath, left, and its president Mark Moerdler, right, held a groundbreaking ceremony for its building expansion. Fair Lawn Mayor John Cosgrove stands between them at the June 5 ceremony. The project will double the size of the shul’s sanctuary to 220 seats and add new youth rooms, offices, and an enlarged social hall. (Courtesy Darchei Noam)
  • Students at the Leah Sokoloff Nursery School at Congregation Shomrei Torah in Fair Lawn celebrated an early Shavuot. Children took a trip around the school, singing and dancing about bikkurim (first fruits). The day ended with an ice cream party. (Courtesy LSNS)
    Students at the Leah Sokoloff Nursery School at Congregation Shomrei Torah in Fair Lawn celebrated an early Shavuot. Children took a trip around the school, singing and dancing about bikkurim (first fruits). The day ended with an ice cream party. (Courtesy LSNS)
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