Forverts progress for the MTA?

Forverts progress for the MTA?

Some day, one hopes, the current crisis of subway overcrowding and disrepair will be history. And when the history books are written, one hopes there will be room for this: a Yiddish sign announcing weekend subway outages on the beleaguered F line.

Proving that you can’t please all the people all the time, and less than that when you’re talking about (or to) Jews, Yiddish Twitter users registered their kvetches.

First, “Vikends” is a rather lazy translation for the original “weekend” of the outage; “sof vuch” is much better.

Second: Come on already. Even the most poorly educated chasidim can read enough English to understand a subway notice. As the Twitter user dubbed “hasidic_1” commented while posting this picture, “ver darf des havn” — “who needs this?”

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