Fire away
OU posts resources online
The OU has posted six fire prevention guides on its website,
They include:
“¢ Chanukah burn and scald prevention tips, which not only include candles but the making of latkes as well. It advises women to be particularly careful of their sleeves and hair when lighting and blessing candles.
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“¢ Torah tots/Play it safe for Chanukah, which has a variety of safety tips, including keeping a 10 lb. ABS fire extinguisher near the kitchen, away from the stove.
“¢ Fire safety for Jewish observances, which – among other items – advises that candles should be kept at least four feet away from curtains, draperies, blinds, kitchen cabinets, and bedding.
“¢ A link to the New York City Fire Department’s fire safety information website.
“¢ Who by fire: Helping burn victims and their families, with a special section for Chanukah.
“¢ Home safety ““ Ten hot tips to make your home a no burn zone, including the development of an emergency evacuation plan.