Fair Lawn Veterans Day weekend program

Fair Lawn Veterans Day weekend program

Congregation B’nai Sholom/Fair Lawn Jewish Center is holding its Veterans Recognition weekend on Saturday and Sunday mornings, November 9 and 10. Rabbi Howard Siegel, a retired U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Chaplain, leads the Shabbat morning service at 9 a.m., including a tribute to the veterans; kiddush will follow. On Sunday at 11 a.m., Eugene Hertz, a licensed amateur radio operator who collects military communications equipment, discusses the evolution of military communications equipment from World War I until today. He also will display historic equipment dating as far back as 1917. There will also be a poster exhibit and refreshments.

Veterans of all wars and engagements, their families, and the community are invited to attend. For information, call (201) 796-5040 or (201) 951-4902.

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