Cookbook is OBOC selection

Cookbook is OBOC selection

The Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey’s “Celebrating Israel @ 70” celebration continues with the announcement of this year’s One Book, One Community book selection.

It is “Zahav: A World of Israeli Cooking” by Michael Solomonov and Steven Cook.

Although it is billed as a cookbook, the book is filled with text that lets readers into Chef Michael’s life and his desire to bring Israeli cuisine to America. The mouthwatering recipes are illlustrated and feature vignettes of colorful people.

“It takes more than a restaurant to move a person to write a cookbook,” Mr. Solomonov said. “For that matter, it takes more than being a cook to move a person to open a restaurant. This book is a chronicle of a journey — physical, emotional, personal. As inevitable as it likely seems now, since you are holding this book in your hands, nothing in my life happened the way it was supposed to.”

One Book, One Community is a project of Synagogue Leadership Initiative, a program of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey in partnership with the Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation. To become an OBOC partner, or for a resource guide of programming ideas, email or call (201) 820-3918.
