Catching up after the whirlwind
It’s been a whirlwind time, what with my hand in a splint (don’t ask), blizzards real and threatened, and a shooting spree that was all too real.
I haven’t done much blogging, and this is an attempt to catch up.
I’d like to thank Rabbi Lawrence Zierler and the Jewish Center of Teaneck for hosting a panel of Jewish journalists, including me, last month. We somewhat strayed from the stated topic – what belongs in a Jewish newspaper? – but we did address the (to us) compelling issue of the future of such newspapers in the Internet age.
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I am aware that some audience members had come out on a cold night to hear and ask more about the same-sex marriage announcement controversy, but the discussion did not turn that way – and I do think that print journalism is an endangered species and its future a fascinating topic.
Meanwhile, our cover story this week is about rabbis and Dr. Martin Luther King – with a front-age “refer” – as it is called – about Gabrielle Giffords. The juxtaposition is thought-provoking, although (racing against that threatened blizzard) I did not spell it out in the editorial – both were the victims of political assassins (and of unregulated guns). And even though the alleged Tucson shooter may be deranged, he clearly chose a political target.
We hope that Giffords, this fine, brave, intelligent woman, continues to make wonderful progress – and send our good wishes to the others who were wounded and our heartfelt condolences to the families of those who were killed.