Breakfast for Israel
Elie Katz of Teaneck and his sister-in-law, Jessica Katz of Passaic, host the first annual “Breakfast for Israel,” to benefit Yad Leah and Magen David Adom, at the Jewish Center of Teaneck, Sunday, June 25, at 9:45 a.m. Children from the Frisch School, the Moriah School, Yeshivat He’Atid, Yeshivat Noam, and Yavneh Academy created and participated in fundraising and volunteer events for both organizations. Speakers include Ambassador Dani Dayan, the consul general of Israel in New York, and N.J. Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno. Zev Brenner of Talkline Communications is the master of ceremonies. Assemblyman Gary Schaer, Teaneck’s Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin, and Councilman Mark Schwartz will present school awards. The business award will be presented to the IDT Corporation and its CEO, Shmuel Jonas. 70 Sterling Place. or email