BCHSJS educators attend workshop

BCHSJS educators attend workshop

Fred Nagler and Dr. Mark Silk (Courtesy BCHSJS)
Fred Nagler and Dr. Mark Silk (Courtesy BCHSJS)

The Center for Israel Education and the Emory Institute for the Study of Modern Israel held the 16th annual educator workshop on teaching about Israel in Atlanta, Ga., in June. Fred Nagler and Dr. Mark Silk of the Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies were among the 75 participants from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Avi Chai Foundation of North America funds the five-day workshop; more than 800 educators have participated since it began. Scholars taught participants about Israel’s history, politics, and culture.

Specialized learning tracks were included to enhance knowledge and provide strategies for implementing materials into their school settings. Primary sources and their use in the classroom was a particular emphasis of the week.

Kenneth W. Stein, a professor at Emory University who is the president of CIE, created the workshop in 2000. He opened the program on June 25, saying, “Understanding Israel’s past and present helps to provide a glimpse into who we are as a Jewish people. A common history connects us all, regardless of geography, politics or flavor of Judaism practiced. We need to know Israel’s story and that of its people because Israel is integral to Jewish identity in the 21st century.”

Next year’s workshop is tentatively planned for June 24-28. For information, email Rich.walter@israeled.org or go to www.israeled.org.

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