Are you ready for Esther Savings Time?

Are you ready for Esther Savings Time?

There’s a new coincidence of calendars on the horizons. It probably won’t be as big a deal as Thanksgivukkah was, back in 2013, when the first night of Chanukah overlapped Thanksgiving for the first time in the American holiday’s history — and for the last time in tens of thousands of years. Thanksgivukkah, after all, came with commemorative tchotkes, including tee-shirts and menorahs.

But according to Benjamin Dreyfus, a research associate in the physics department of the University of Maryland, next year, 2017, will be the first time that Purim coincides with the start of Daylight Savings Time — the Saturday night when clocks are moved an hour forward.

The holiday will gain an extra hour on the clock — but in fact be just as long (or as short, for those of you who always wish Purim lasted longer).

Making it to the morning Megillah reading will be more challenging than usual, however.

If the Daily Savings Time schedule stays the same, Purim and Spring Forward will coincide again in 2028 and 2031.

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