Amit’s Shabbat tea

Amit’s Shabbat tea

Amit’s Hindy Weinstock Geula chapter is hosting a summer afternoon tea in memory of Anita Scharf, z”l, on Saturday, July 14, at 5 p.m., at a private home in Teaneck.

Shira Schiowitz, a Tanach teacher at the SAR High School, will speak about “Devarim (Deuteronomy) as a Handbook For Life.”

In addition to teaching Tanach, Ms. Schiowitz is a mentor for new teachers and co-director of professional development at SAR. Before, she taught at Ma’ayanot, where she also chaired the Tanach department. She was the assistant dean at Lamdeinu in Teaneck during its first year. She is married to Rabbi Kenny Schiowitz, who had been the leader of Congregation Shaare Tefillah of Teaneck for the last 14 years.

Donna Hoenig, Anita Scharf’s daughter, remembers “while I was growing up in the Bronx, my mother was very dedicated to Amit (then known as Mizrachi Women). Her dedication to Israel through her involvement with Amit taught me the importance of raising funds to help children in Israel. It is an honor that the memory of my mother is perpetuated through this annual memorial shiur.”

To register, go to For information, email Genene Kaye at, call (212) 477-5465, or go to

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