Abrams to serve as JFNNJ president

Abrams to serve as JFNNJ president

Roberta Abrams (Courtesy JFNNJ)
Roberta Abrams (Courtesy JFNNJ)

Roberta Abrams will become the new president of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey on July 1. The organization’s headquarters are in Paramus.

Ms. Abrams, who was born and raised in northern New Jersey, attended nursery school at the YM/YWHA in Hackensack, which became the YJCC and now the JCCNJ without walls, and she went to Hebrew school at Temple Beth Or in Washington Township. In high school she was active in BBYO and became president of the local chapter.

She has been involved in the federation since 2002, and she’s been on the executive committee for more than five years. She also was president of Temple Beth Or and a participant in the first cohort of Berrie Fellows.

When discussing her upcoming presidency, she said, “I’m a planner, I’m a strategic thinker, I believe in consensus building, I’m open minded, and I’m not afraid to take a stand when necessary.” According to Jason Shames, the federation’s CEO, “I am looking forward to working with Roberta and her straightforward style, decisiveness, and heartfelt commitment to our community.”

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