2 former Teaneck students honored for outstanding athletic careers

Two former Teaneck residents who were members of the Teaneck Jewish Community Center were among 15 former Teaneck High School athletes who recently were inducted into the Teaneck Athletic Hall of Fame.
Elyssa Deutsch Goldenfarb, class of 1992, and Steven Siegel, class of 1966, received many awards and set records while playing for Teaneck High School. Ms. Goldenfarb was honored for tennis, fencing, and golf, and Mr. Siegel for tennis and soccer. Their accomplishments qualified them for recognition as outstanding athletes of their decade.
The Teaneck Athletic Hall of Fame was the vision of James Vuono, a former THS football/tennis coach. He identified the need for a way to honor the school’s outstanding athletes. His committee reviews the performance of the women and men who are potential candidates and selects those to be included in the hall of fame.
A newly constructed entrance to the high school’s memorial gym serves as the Hall of Fame’s exhibit hall, which houses the records, accomplishments, and memorabilia of Teaneck’s finest athletes.
Ms. Goldenfarb lives in the New Brunswick area with her husband, Brian, and their three children, Lauren, Rachel, and Joshua. Mr. Siegel has retired from teaching tennis and lives in a Houston suburb.