Wayne shul lecture series on Zoom

Wayne shul lecture series on Zoom

Dr. Jacob Ari Lebendz
Dr. Jacob Ari Lebendz

Dr. Jacob Ari Labendz, director of the Gross Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Ramapo College of New Jersey, will discuss “Anti-Antisemitism: Protecting and Defining Jews,” on December 13, at 7 p.m., on Zoom. It’s part of the Rabbi Dresner Memorial Library Lecture series at Temple Beth Tikvah in Wayne.

The program’s advisory board includes Rabbi Brian Beal, Avi Dresner, Tamar Dresner, Joyce Fein, Joy Kurland, Dr. Jacob Ari Labendz, Shirley Laiks, Alissa Okrent, Alice Osur, Cantor Charles Romalis, Michael Rudolph, and Doreen Shoba.

To register and for more information, go to www.templebethtikvahnj.org or call (973) 595-6565.

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