Thanks Standard for Oslo articles
I just finished reading this week’s issue of the Standard and I wanted you to know how much I, personally, appreciated the articles about the terror of Oslo.
I have a young friend who lives there with her two teenage sons. She was a former ballerina with the New York City Ballet and was known as one of Balanchine’s “Big Blond Beauties.” She grew up in Teaneck. Anyway, last October, I took myself off to Oslo to spend time with her and to see the city. I walked the very streets where the bombs were detonated. If you’ve never been there, believe me, it is a beautiful and a wonderful city!
I went to shul there and to the Holocaust Center, which was once the villa of Quisling (the traitor), which I thought was poetic justice.
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I am sending the articles from the Standard to my friend. Luckily, she and her sons were in this country visiting relatives when the attacks took place. I know that she, too, will appreciate reading them.
June Salzman