NORPAC hosts senators from Virginia and Kentucky
Earlier this month, Debbie and Michael Blumenthal welcomed Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) to an Englewood Norpac meeting. In 2016, Senator Warner opposed UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which claimed that Israel’s settlements have no legal validity. Senator Warner cosponsored the Taylor Force Act, which says that no American governmental funds shall be given to a Palestinian entity that financially rewards terrorists or their families. This year, Senator Warner co-sponsored S.1, the United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act, a bill that supports full funding of security assistance to Israel as outlined in the 2016 U.S.- Israel Memorandum of Understanding.
Last weekend, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was at a NORPAC pro-Israel meeting in Teaneck. Senator McConnell is the longest-serving Senate Republican leader. In the first months of 2019, McConnell pushed legislation authorizing more than $3 billion in security assistance to Israel through the bipartisan bill S.1. In May, Senator McConnell and House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy released a joint statement about the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, saying that “BDS’s real aim is to exclude, isolate and delegitimize Israel.”
Both Senators Warner and McConnell will be up for re-election in November 2020.