Moroccan Jewish dialect on the Knesset agenda

Moroccan Jewish dialect on the Knesset agenda

In recent weeks, we’ve written about Yiddish and Ladino, the two best-known Jewish languages.This week, a dialect of Judeo-Arabic gets its turn in the spotlight, with a report in Yedioth Ahronoth that the Knesset is about to offer a course in the language spoken by Moroccan Jews. The course will be given to interested Knesset members and Knesset employees, and will be taught by members of the National Library.

The course is the brainchild of MK Yaakov Margi, a native of Morocco who chairs the Knesset Education Committee. Margi left Morocco in 1962, part of the large exodus of Moroccan Jews to Israel at that time. He was two years old.

To get you started on your Moroccan Jewish vocabulary, here’s the word for Knesset member: Saheb el-Knesset.


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