Israel parade will be virtual this year
New York’s Celebrate Israel parade will be virtual. New York’s Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on April 20 that none of the parades scheduled for June will go ahead as planned. New York’s Celebrate Israel Parade, the world’s largest public gathering, will honor the 72nd anniversary of the State of Israel.
The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York organizes the annual parade, which normally walks up Fifth Avenue. Now the New York JCRC will present the virtual parade on Sunday, June 7, its original date.
The parade’s theme with be Todah (thank you in Hebrew). It will express gratitude to all the healthcare, first responders, and other frontline workers in New York, across the United States, in Israel, and around the world. In addition, in honor of the parade’s 56th anniversary, there will be an appreciation of the sponsors and participants who, over the decades, have made the parades on Fifth Avenue a wonderful sight and experience.
For more information, go to (That’s also where the parade will be livestreamed.)