Great prices for July 4 barbecue ingredients
July is here and with that comes the wonderful events celebrating our country’s independence. Check local town Web sites for fireworks, parades, and celebration. The weather is supposed to be glorious… so fire up the coals and light the grills. Going through some advertisements this week in The Jewish Standard, there are some great bargains for barbecue foods to prepare.
Making the rounds in Teaneck
Glatt Express, 1400 Queen Anne Road, (201) 837-8110,, has Pam Cooking Spray (a necessity for the grill) for $3.19, a pound of Aarons All Beef Franks for $4.69, and Heinz ketchup (40 oz.) in the squeeze bottle for $2.50. For before the barbecue, they offer a 9 oz. bag of Herr’s tortilla chips for 99 cents to be paired with Herr’s salsa (16 oz.) mild or medium for $2.50. Don’t forget the B&G pickles, 32 oz., for $2 and Arizona Iced Tea (gallon) for $2.50.
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Stopping at Ma’adan-446 Cedar Lane, (201) 692-0192,, one will find lots of barbecue needs including Abeles & Heyman hot dogs for $3.99 a package, buffalo wings for $6.99 a pound (everyone loves these-but be sure to warn guests they are spicy) and how about a blue bottle of Moscato for those older than 21 for $8.99?
Teaneck Kosher Supermarket-1199 Teaneck Road, corner Forest Avenue, (201) 833-6030, has chicken wings for 99 cents a pound, baby back ribs for $5.99 a pound (delicious if marinated first), beef patties for $3.99 a pound or chopped meat (make your own patties) for $3.49 a pound, and veggie patties (don’t forget your guests who do not eat meat) for $2.99 a pound. There’s also unflavored White Rock seltzer, 99 cents for two bottles and a grilling package with Gefen mustard (16 oz.), Gefen sauerkraut (32 oz.), and Glicks ketchup, (24 oz.) for $4.99. All specials are with a minimum $10 purchase of non-special items.
All the above named places also offer lots of barbecue supplies as well as salads, buns, and whatever else you desire. Some of the larger stores also sell paper goods, vegetables, and fruit.