Concerts billed at Jewish Home sites

Concerts billed at Jewish Home sites

Exodus Supreme
Exodus Supreme

The Leonora Messer Summer Concert free series at the Jewish Home at Rockleigh, opens with a performance by Randy Accardi on Wednesday, August  17. It continues Septtember 14 with Ed Goldberg & the Odessa Klezmer Band. Both concerts are at 6:30 p.m. JHR is at 10 Link Drive.

Randy Accardi (Courtesy JHF)
Randy Accardi (Courtesy JHF)

The Billie Kramer Leonora Summer Concert free series at the Jewish Home Assisted Living in River Vale continues on Wednesday, August 17, at 6:30 p.m., with klezmer music by Ken Maltz; August 24 with Exodus Supreme; and August 31 with comedian Vinnie Mark. JHAL is at 685 Westwood Ave. For information on either series, call (201) 784-1414.

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