Chasidic paper removes Hillary Clinton from photo

Chasidic paper removes Hillary Clinton from photo

A Chasidic paper in Brooklyn removed U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton from the White House photo of U.S. officials watching the deadly raid on Osama bin Laden’s hideout.

The Yiddish-language Der Zeitung manipulated the photo of political leaders watching the May 1 raid in Pakistan from the White House “situation room.”

The two women in the room – Clinton and Audrey Tomason, director for counterterrorism who works with the Security Council – were digitally removed.

The original photograph shows Clinton sitting at the table with the president, covering her mouth with her hand and wearing a shocked expression. Tomason is in the back, leaning forward, presumably for a better view.

The Yiddish daily, which serves a haredi Orthodox audience, does not publish pictures of women in accordance with its interpretation of Jewish modesty requirements.

In this case, several media outlets are suggesting Der Zeitung may face legal problems. The White House released the photograph with a disclaimer stating that it “may not be manipulated in any way.”

JTA Wire Service

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