Chabad celebrates Chanukah with five Rutgers campuses
Students from all five Rutgers University campuses participated in Chabad’s eight days and nights of Chanukah get-togethers on campus. There were public menorah lightings on the front steps of Brower Commons on College Avenue in New Brunswick, which included music, potato latkes, donuts, and hot cocoa. A menorah car parade driven by students and alumni traveled through College Avenue, the Busch and Livingston campuses, and the communities of Highland Park, Edison, and Piscataway. More than 1,000 students participated in the campuswide JCafe Chanukah party in the Chabad House, headed by JCafe director Sabrina Tavel and Chanukah festival directors Abby Newman and Ma’ayan Zimand, with dreidel games, donut making, latke frying, and menorah lightings. About 1,500 menorahs were distributed campus wide.
According to Rabbi Baruch Goodman, Chabad’s campus director, “While the Maccabees had to fight external opposing forces bayamim heheim — back in the day — our students, today’s Maccabees, fought courageously b’zman hazeh — today — to find time amidst their studies to celebrate the miracles and bring tons of light to their fellow Jews on campus, bringing so many of their friends and classmates to Chabad to celebrate and enjoy.”