Against the U.N. Human Rights Council

Against the U.N. Human Rights Council

The respondents to The Jewish Standard’s April 8 webpoll on “Should the United States seek a second term on the U.N. Human Rights Council?” voted overwhelmingly yes. When will we learn that even the United States and President Obama can not make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear? The initiator and endorser of the Goldstone report will remain as anti-Israel as ever. Durban 3 will be a repeat of Durban 2 and Durban 1. The only impact our presence in the U.N. Human Rights Council is to give them an undeserved respectability.

Let’s have a little test. Judge Goldstone has retracted his infamous report. As a current member of the U.N. Human Rights Council, surely the United States can influence and persuade the council to retract the council’s approval and endorsement of the Goldstone Report. When that happens, please change my vote to the yes column.
